Medical Marijuana Experts
The marijuana industry and laws are changing every day and while some people are on board with these changes there are others who are not and don’t agree with the benefits medical marijuana can provide.
Cannabis Doctor
Get to know the cannabis doctor of Las Vegas. Decades of experience, compassion and care.
Specials & Deals
View specials and promotions to save money on your doctor’s appointment. Coupons and special promotions.
News Articles
Read the latest news and information about medical marijuana in Las Vegas and Nevada area.
Book Appointment
Book an appointment with Dr. Goldsmith to see if you qualify for a medical marijuana card in Nevada.

Marijuana is hugely beneficial when used correctly for medicinal purposes… It Should absolutely be widely available in America…. Cannabis is a natural medicine which is less addictive and ultimately safer than opiates that are currently the standard of treatment.

I mistakenly believed that the Drug Enforcement Administration must have quality reasoning as to why marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have ‘no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.’ They didn’t have the science to support that…
Dispensary Economy
Medical marijuana
Medical cannabis treats a variety of ailments. Glaucoma, seizures, cancer, severe pain, muscle spasms, severe nausea, HIV/AIDS symptoms, PTSD, arthritis, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Epilepsy and even more.